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Indonesian Films (Programming) in Taiwan under the New Southbound Policy era [INTERNATIONAL WEBINAR]

For the last 5 years, Indonesian films got more acknowledgment and appreciation from Taiwan. At Taipei Film Festival, at least there were two programs related specifically to Indonesian films: Three Sisters Films (2017) and Garin Nugroho (Filmmaker in Focus, 2019).

Binus University’s Taiwan Studies Nusantara invited Ruby Hsieh I-Hsuan the film programmer to talk about the Indonesian film-related programs that she curated and observed in Taiwan. The talk will be held online on Friday, 15 October, 15.30-1 7.00 (Jakarta Time, GMT+7). (RSVP )

Ruby Hsieh I-Hsuan is currently an Amsterdam-based independent film programmer. She is also part of a selection committee for the New Talents Competition in Taipei Film festival, programmer of Women Make Waves Film Festival, and a selection committee at 2022 Taiwan International Documentary Festival.

The talk will discuss programming Indonesian cinema in Taiwan, particularly, her experience curating Garin Nugroho's retrospective program in 2019. Ruby will also share her observation about screening Indonesian films for Taiwanese audiences, including programming on some works of other talented Indonesian filmmakers as well as her perspective on other film screening events relating to Indonesian culture in Taiwan these years, especially under the Taiwan government's New Southbound Policy.

Please scan the barcode to get the link. The talk will be hosted by Ekky Imanjaya, a lecturer at Film Department, Binus University.

I-Hsuan also invited Ekky to write two articles related the programs for Taipei Film Festival catalogues in 2017 and 2019, respectively. Read the articles in the following links:

The Significance of Garin Nugroho (2019):


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